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সাম্প্রতিক কর্মকাণ্ড



বগুড়া জেলায় চলমান বাস্তবায়িত/বাস্তবায়নাধীন প্রকল্প সমূহ -


  1. Paurashava Cleaners Residential Building Construction Project (PCRBCP)
  2. Fourth Primary Education Development Program
  3. Village Road Rehabilitation Project
  4. Rajshahi Division (Except Sirajgonj Dist.) Rural Infrastructure Development Project (RDRIDP)
  5. Countrywide Rural Market Infrastructure Development Project (CRMIDP)
  6. Rural Connectivity Improvement Project (RCIP)
  7. Cyclone Amphan & Flood Damage Rural Infrastructure Rehabilitation Project
  8. Greater Pabna and Bogura District Rural Infrastructure Development Project (2nd Phase)
  9. General Social Infrastructure Development Project-2
  10. Important Rural Infrastructure Development Project-3 on priority Basis
  11. Program for Supporting Rural Bridges
  12. Periodic Maintenance of Road, Bridge & Culvert.
  13. Flood and Disaster Damaged Rural Road Infrastructure Rehabilitation Project (FDDRIRP) 
  14. Upazila Town (Non-Municipal) Master Plan Preparation and Basic Infrastructure Development Project 
  15. Flood and Disaster Damaged Rural Road Infrastructure Rehabilitation Project (FDDRIRP) 
  16. Sustainable Small Scale Water Resources Development Project 
  17. Agriculture Development Project for Rajshahi Division Through the Expansion of Modern Technology (RDADP) 
  18. RERMP-3
  19. MMT